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Everything I Am

Modern Australian fiction

When her partner of twenty-five years dies, Rebecca Collins discovers the secret life he had been living.

Grieving and with her sense of self in ruins, she views her relationship as a sham and embarks on an international quest to uncover the truth about the man she loved and lost, and recreate her shattered image of herself.

Although she is haunted by her own complicity in her failed relationships, she is unable to confront the sacrifice that has led to the moment of her emotional unravelling.

Seeking the help of a psychiatrist, Rebecca is forced to venture into the shadows of memory, eventually uncovering the well-spring of a far more profound grief.

As she moves forward on her journey, she learns the past cannot be side-stepped or erased and that she is so much more than the sum of her choices, mistakes, experiences and relationships.


Come on a tour!

Here’s a little video I made, to show readers some of the settings of the book. I would have loved for this to be a global tour, but the pandemic got in the way. I hope you enjoy this tour behind some of the scenes of Everything I Am.


Everything I Am began life as another book entirely! Rebecca Collins’ story was part of a much greater narrative involving Mary Shelley’s (author of Frankenstein) social circle. It was a time-hopping, contemporary historical fiction novel. Confusing already, right? I completed this manuscript, then quickly realised combining the journeys of both women made for an unwieldy novel. After much soul searching, I decided to separate the two stories into different books. Rebecca’s became Everything I Am. As soon as her story stood alone, it shone. Then the rewriting began…